Thursday 12 January 2012

Employability Skills

 After I read the handout on Employability Skills 2000+, I  found two headings that I do extremely well. The first heading is, Demonstrating Positive Attitudes & Behaviors, and the second heading I do extremely well is, Working with Others.

 I feel like I do extremely well in, Demonstrating Positive Attitudes & Behaviors, because, whenever I'm in school, in the community, or at home; I believe that you should always have good manners with everyone and always respect your elders.

 I also feel like I do extremely well in, Working with Others, because, I enjoy listening to other people's thoughts or ideas and helping others whenever needed.

  After I looked over the handout again, I realized there were two headings that I might want to improve on a bit. The first heading is, Thinking & Solving Problems, and the second heading I might need a little help on is, Managing Information.

  I feel like I need a little help on, Thinking & Solving Problems, because, I can solve some problems and at times, I might be slow at solving them as well.

 I feel that I might need some improvement on, Managing Information, because, It takes me a while to think how to locate and gather info, and how to put info in an organized document folder to present it later on.

 Now that I looked at my post, I realized I should try to do better in all of the Employability Skills on the handout, so I can have great skills when applying for a job.